“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop

children smiling together

An act of kindness is simply a thoughtful action by one person that benefits another. Whether done anonymously or openly, to a known person or a stranger, the essence remains the same: helping someone else is an act of kindness.

Acts of kindness are a wonderful opportunity for kids to learn how to show love in action to those in our family, community, and world. They’re also really fun! Best of all, random acts of kindness encourage kids to think beyond themselves and ask, “How can my life change others?” These acts inspire kids to think like world changers.

Need ideas? Here are 50 suggestions to get you started. Take pictures and share them on social media—be sure to tag us and help spread kindness throughout your community today!

Random Acts of Kindness

  1. Go through your toys and donate the ones you don’t play with to a local charity.
  2. Donate food to your food bank- either purchase food or go through your pantry.
  3. Donate pet supplies to the shelter.
  4. Help a sibling with a chore.
  5. Donate books you no longer read or need.
  6. Donate money in the Salvation Army bucket.
  7. Bring breakfast to your school teacher.
  8. Leave a little treat in the mailbox for the mailman.
  9. Take a treat to the local fire station.
  10. Fulfill an angel tree request.
  11. Go to a nursing home and visit residents.
  12. Write grandparents a letter/draw a picture and mail it to them.
  13. Leave an extra large tip for a server.
  14. Leave one dollar bills around a dollar store (especially in the toy section!).
  15. Pay for the person behind you in a fast food drive-through.
  16. Take a treat for the school bus driver or crossing guard.
  17. Donate coloring books to a hospital waiting room.
  18. Offer to take the neighbor’s dog for a walk.
  19. Hold the door open for people behind you.
  20. Smile at every single person you see for one whole day (makes a great family challenge!).
  21. Write a thank you note for a teacher or coach or someone who has influenced you and mail it to them.
  22. Take a treat or note to a neighbor or friend who could use a pick-me-up.
  23. Write thank you notes or put together care packages for those who are serving our country in the military.
  24. Have a bake sale or fundraiser and donate all the earnings to a local charity.
  25. Buy socks, beanies, and mittens and deliver them to a homeless shelter.
  26. Leave some extra money in the vending machine (or even tape it to the outside with a note that says “This treat’s on me!).
  27. Buy a little treat or give a thank you note to the cashier at the grocery store.
  28. Tape some money to the gas pump for the next person who gets gas.
  29. Babysit for a single parent so they can have some alone time or run errands.
  30. Clean out your garage or storage area and donate items.
  31. Donate blood.
  32. Invite someone who lives alone over for dinner.
  33. Pick up at least three pieces of trash wherever you are.
  34. Send unexpected flowers to someone you appreciate.
  35. Run errands for the elderly/widows in your area.
  36. Take a treat and/or thank you note to the janitors at your school.
  37. Double the dinner you are preparing and deliver it to someone who could use it.
  38. Put together a full Christmas dinner (turkey, potatoes, gravy, rolls, etc) and drop it off at someone’s house who could use it. Ring the doorbell and run away so it’s anonymous (and so much more exciting!).
  39. Sit with someone at lunch who looks lonely or who doesn’t have very many friends (a good challenge for your kids!).
  40. Compliment at least 5 people in one day.
  41. Smile at 5 strangers in one day.
  42. Help someone wrap Christmas gifts.
  43. Take a treat and/or thank you card to the school librarian.
  44. Do an extra household chore without being asked.
  45. Make a homemade bird feeder and hang it outside (like a pinecone rolled in peanut butter and birdseed).
  46. Donate diapers and wipes to a local women’s/family shelter.
  47. Buy school supplies and donate them for students in need.
  48. Decorate some pillowcases and take them to a local children’s hospital.
  49. Collect jackets, blankets, and shoes and take them to a homeless shelter.
  50. Tape bags of microwave popcorn to the Redbox rental machine.

Here are some additional ideas we’ve prepared for you.:

  1. Say thanks—just thanks—to your parents, for no particular reason.
  2. Leave a kind, funny, or inspiring note in a library book you’ve read.
  3. Make a friend laugh.
  4. Tell a joke. Credit the person who told it to you.
  5. Be a study buddy—or help a younger kid with homework.
  6. Clear your dishes. Then surprise your parents and clear theirs, too.
  7. Let your brother/sister go first.
  8. Leave a dollar in a vending machine slot.
  9. Start a jeans drive. Toss in your favorite pair.
  10. Collect toiletries for service members.
  11. Return carts at big box stores (yours and ones other shoppers left behind).
  12. Make your brother/sister’s bed one morning.
  13. Pay for an extra ticket or bottle of water at the movies. Hand it to the kid who’s next in line.
  14. Let someone board the bus ahead of you.
  15. Clip coupons and help find those items at the market.
  16. Pitch in: Take out the garbage after dinner without being asked to help.
  17. Help a senior citizen pack and load groceries.
  18. Make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a local shelter.
  19. Invite someone outside your crowd to sit at your table at lunchtime.
  20. Collect food and canned goods for a local food bank. Invite your friends to help you so you can double, triple, or quadruple the amount.
  21. Be kind to a classmate you don’t know.
  22. Clean your room—without being asked to.
  23. Deliver a compliment a day—and mean it.
  24. Donate musical instruments, sports equipment, and electronics you are no longer using.
  25. High-five a friend who gets the answer right at school.

For more information, contact us.